January 17, 2002

                            THE 2001-2002 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM



Adopt the proposed 2001-2002 Legislative Program – Second Session.


The Metro Board of Directors annually adopts a legislative program for the upcoming legislative and congressional sessions, which provides guidance to staff on legislative issues and policy as a means of advancing and protecting Metro authority and the transportation interests of Los Angeles County.


 The role of the Metro legislative program is to fulfill the agency’s goals and objectives by securing necessary legislative authority, program funding and regulatory actions needed at the local, regional, state and federal levels.  To achieve these goals, Government Relations staff will implement a legislative strategy of consensus building and coordination with transportation interests throughout Los Angeles County, the State of California and at the federal government.


The Metro Board of Directors could determine that a legislative program is unnecessary for the agency.  Staff contends, however, that without a legislative program, this agency would be ill-prepared to address the policy and legislative issues that lie ahead in the coming year, as well as those issues and concerns that will arise during this period.


Some of the proposed legislative initiatives may provide additional funding for countywide transportation programs and projects.


Each year, staff prepares a legislative program for adoption by the Metro Board of Directors.  The program is developed with input from Metro technical staff and Metro contract lobbyists.  This report contains the proposed 2001-2002 Metro Legislative Program – Second Session.  The program will serve as a guide for pursuing the authority’s legislative proposals and strategies.

In 2002, the Metro will face several legislative challenges.  All levels of government are currently working to address both the changing economic climate and the increased security challenges.  These two issues will likely color discussion and debate on almost every other issue in the coming year.

In the coming year, Congress and the Administration will consider the Metro’s FY 2003 transportation appropriations request.  Work is also commencing this year for the 2003 reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21).

At the state level, the Administration and Legislature will introduce measures at the beginning of the year.  Staff expects there will be significant focus on efforts to revive the state’s economy and, if necessary, will undertake steps to preserve money for projects funded in the Governor’s Traffic Congestion Relief Plan (TCRP).

Locally, Metro will continue to work to maintain and enhance support from local governments for the goals contained within the federal and state legislative programs.  The department staff will continue to work with the 88 cities throughout Los Angeles County on many crucial issues, providing information and developing support for transportation programs and services.

The Metro regularly interacts with other transportation commissions and organizations representing transportation interests throughout the region to coordinate services and regional transportation improvements.  Regular interaction with these groups allows for coordinated policy development at the local, state and federal levels.  Metro also interacts with business and other organizations to build support and alliances for Metro initiatives.  This program assumes that this coordination will continue.


Government Relations staff will be contacting legislators to author any legislative initiatives proposed by this program.  Staff will continue to monitor and track legislative efforts sponsored by other transportation interests and inform the Board of that legislation.

The State Legislature is due to reconvene on January 7, 2002.  The United States House of Representatives is scheduled to reconvene on January 3, 2002.  The United States Senate has not yet released their 2002 schedule.


Attachment A:              2001-2002 Legislative Program – Second Session

Prepared by:                 Jody F. Litvak, Manager, Government Relations
                                 Government Relations Staff


Claudette A. Moody
Director, Government Relations


Roger Snoble
Chief Executive Officer