Call to Order


Alex Gonzalez, Chair
Rosie Vasquez, Vice Chair
Roger Chandler
Harry Baldwin
Bruce Heard
Albert Huang
Steven Ly
Joseph Mosca
Dave Spence


Jon Hillmer, Director Governance Council
David Hershenson, Comm. Rel. Mgr
Michele Chau, Council Secretary

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. APPROVE Minutes of Meeting held November 8, 2010
  4. Public Comment
  5. RECEIVE Director's Report, Jon Hillmer, Director of Service Councils
  1. REVIEW Bylaws for Service Councils, Jon Hillmer, Director of Service Councils
  2. RECEIVE preliminary recommendations on Service Changes for June 2011; authorize publication of hearing notice; and approve public hearing date, time and location, Conan Cheung, Deputy Executive Officer
  3. RECEIVE report on Contract Lines, Shannon Anderson, Transportation Services Manager
  4. Chair and Council Member Comments

Consideration of items not on the posted agenda, including: items to be presented and (if requested) referred to staff; items to be placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Council; and/or items requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Council subsequent to the posting of the agenda.